Lesson 5.
Lets add image(pictures) on your page.
First of all, please make sure your image files are
saved in same folder as this index.txt file.
I mean, you should create new folder on your desktop, name it "mypage",
then put all the files(text, html and image files) in this folder.
< html >
< head >
< title >My First Page
</title >
< /head >
< body bgcolor=white>
Welcome to my First page.
<img src=surf.gif>
< br > < p >
Did you typed content/theme and all the rest here?
Good! Its done! You created your first page!
< /body >
< /html >
Now you save this index.txt file as "index.html", make sure that Save type is:"All files" and not "text format"
save in "mypage" folder.
Delete:"index.txt" file.
Congratulations! You made it! Your First Home page!.